The gear consists of three parts; leaders arms or ears, gathering
ground and filter platform. Leaders, whose purpose of to guide the fish into the trap, are made
of bamboo pole and sticks, the length vary in length from 10 m to 50 m, depending on the width of stream
and canal. The trap has ears fences spanning the width of the stream to force the fish with swept current
on to a bamboo or wooden filter platform. The water seep through the platform, leaving the fish. The standing
sides of the platform and the strong current prevent the fish from escaping. The gear is set just before
water in the stream has reached its highest level and starts to go down, in September. The force of current
can be very strong and the construction process should stand against the force. These gears are very effective
in capturing nearly all fish moving downstream. By December this fishery is mostly over, as the streams recede
below the base of the gear.