Hand Line with bait basket.

  Some of the hand line is used with the bait basket called “Phar Chin or frog-like basket”. That type of fishing gear are widely use in the middle part of Myanmar. This fishing gear looks like a frog sitting in a squat position. The gear is a vertically positioned basket with a wide opening on one side. It’s total height is 160mm and the breadth is 70 mm. The gear is made out of bamboo wicker work. The two bamboo sticks pass trough just bellows the top of the basket. The lower ends of the sticks are tied together while the basket upper end is kept apart. The gear is secured to a long bamboo pole set next to it. The pole is about 6.00 m long with the bottom standing in the water.
  The gear is fixed to the bottom of a stream, river in water about 4 – 5 m depth. The opening faces away from the current in order to catch fish moving up stream. For bait the rice bran is mixed with clay and it is fully packet in the basket. The two bamboo sticks with hanging hooks are fixed apart on the upper side of the basket.
  The scent of rice bran begins to attract the fish. As soon as the hooks catch the fish, the wooden float above the water begins to move, and soon it gets separated from the bamboo pole. The fisherman, waiting in a boat, then starts pulling the main line slowly towards himself in order to collect fish.

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