7.2 Boat-Push Net

            This type of push net is operated by a motorized boat in deeper waters. It is classified according to the species caught such as anchovies, shrimps and other fish. The net has three distinct parts; the upper part, the lower part, and the cod-end or bag. The groundrope which has a length of 5.3-25 m is provided with chain or rope weighted with lead sinkers. The ends of the groundrope are fastened to the poles which hold the net. The headrope hangs along the length of the poles.
             The poles are either bamboo or wooden electric poles, 6-25 m long and 5-30 cm. diameter, depending on the size of gear and boat. The anterior portion which is provided with gliders or shoes 27 cm-40 cm. long and 4.8 cm. wide for small poles and 2 m long by 70 cm wide for bigger wooden poles are common. The tip of the shoe holder is loosely bolted to the metal base to allow the shoes glide and move freely.
              The material commonly used for the net may be either nylon PA 210d/2, 7.5 mm mesh size and polyethylene 380d/9 minnow net for acetes. Others use 400d/6-24, and 380d/6-18; 3 mm-55 mm mesh size from the bag to the upper and lower portions for anchovy and shrimp. The length of the groundrope ranges from 5-25 m while the net is 6-33 m long. In some a groundrope, or tickler chain is provided to stimulate the jumping of shrimps into the net.
               Push net fishing is operated either in the day time or at night depending on the occurrence of anchovies and acetes. For small boats, the fisherman uses a 1.5 m bamboo pole to search and locate shrimp schools at the surface while the push net is moved forward. To bring the catch on board, a PP 4 mm diameter retrieving line is placed around the cod-end so that the boat can continuously operate. One or two parallel poles with a line or rope are also used to adjust the depth of the triangular framed pole while the net is operation. In bigger boats, setting and hauling of the wooden posts is done by a double pulley or small power block hung at the forward beam of the outrigger. The cod end is hauled by means of a rope attached, emptied, and lowered again for the next setting operation.

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