3. Lift Net

     In general, the dip-net numbers are the greatest among the lift-net groups. They are employed on boats with engines of 33 - 74 Hp and operate in the deeper fishing grounds up to 50 m in depth. The main target species are black pomfret, scad, mackerel etc. Most of operate in conjunction with fish aggregating devices including luring lights and fish shelters. During the fishing operation, fishermen use a main boat with engines of 33 - 74 Hp and some (from 4 to 8) small boats for lighting and setting or hauling the nets. The main structure of the gear is a rectangular net or a bag-shaped net made of nylon or polyethylene with a mesh size of 20 - 40 mm.

Net Setting:

     One type of liftnet uses 4 or 8 boats: The net is held on the main vessel. The 4 comers of the net are set in a stationary condition because of 4 anchors. At those comers there are ropes linking to the boat, and one rope in the middle of each edge of the liftnet links to the other auxiliary boats. After setting, the light boat (luring boat) is directed toward the middle of the area of the set net.

     Another type of liftnet uses 1 or 2 boats: The net is set and fixed by two anchors. After that, fishermen can use lights or fish shelters to concentrate fish in the net mouth.

        Hauling Net:

     The type uses 4 or 8 boats: The boats at the 4 comers pull the linking pins between the liftnet comers and anchors, then the 4 net comers are lifted together. In the case of an 8-boat liftnet, other boats lift the edges of the net.

    The type using 1 or 2 boats: After the linking pin between the net mouth and the anchor is removed, the mouth of net is lifted by the floats and the hauling of the purse rope.



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