5.3 Beam Trawl

            Before World War II, Japanese beam trawlers numbering from 40 to 50 units were already operating the so-called “utase” in Manila Bay. However, the use of the beam trawl did not last long after the introduction of the otter trawl. By 1950, the otter trawl replaced the beam trawl.
            The beam trawl is not used by the commercial fisheries sector. The limitation on the horizontal and vertical opening of the net made fishermen operate the beam trawl for a limited period only. Nowadays, only few areas are using it as the mouth opening is permanently fixed by bamboo or steel pipes.
            The gear is operated in shallow sandy-muddy bottom waters by an outriggered motorized banca. Target species are shrimps, crabs, and small demersal fish.

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