10.4   Nautilus Trap

               The Nautilus trap is operated by small scale fishermen to catch nautilus in deep waters. The nautilus shell commands a high price in the export market while its meat can be sold in the local market. The trap is a combination of bamboo and iron wire as its frame, while nylon monofilament PA of 0.80 mm., with a 110 mm. mesh size and polyethylene 380d/15, 65 mm. mesh size as its netting. The rectangular traps are about 45-60 cm. long, 35-60 cm. wide and 29-37 cm. in height. This type has 2-3 entrances located inthe sides. The circular trap is 86 cm. diameter at the base, 68 cm. diameter in the upper portion and 36 cm. in height.

               Twenty to thirty traps can be set in one night. The traps are set at 200-400 meters deep. All traps are provided with bait such as eel, suckerfish, sliced shark and stingray in the center part. The traps are connected to each other at 12 meters interval using a PE f 5 mm. rope. The whole assembly is anchored at both ends by stones weighing 500 grams. A flagmarker is provided.

                A hand winch is installed in the banca for hauling the traps.

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