1.1 Municipal Ring Net

              The net measures 250-400 m long by 30-50 m deep. It is operated by a fishing banca which is a dugout carved from logs and provided with marine plywood planking and bamboo outriggers. The banca typically measures 7-10 m long by 60 cm wide by 60 cm deep. It is powered by 10-16 horsepower gasoline engine. An improvised net platform is provided in the stern portion. The net is a combination of nylon monofilament dia. 0.50 mm to 0.70 mm or 210x/2-9 and polyethylene 380d-400d/ 9-15 with mesh sizes of 20 mm to 80 mm distributed in the bunt, body and wing portions. The polyethylene nettings serve as selvage in many cases. It is operated by 3 to 5 fishermen.
             At sunrise and before sundown, fishermen locate feeding schools at the surface and encircle them rapidly. Fishes caught are small scad, mackerel, herrings and frigate tuna.
Another type of banca for larger scale operation measures 10-15 m long by 1-2 m wide by 1 meter deep powered by 80 to 190 Hp diesel engines. The net is stacked in front of the engine or at the middle the banca. The net is also a combination of nylon multifilament and polyethylene netting with are hung length of 400-500 m long by 50 to 80 m deep. The boat is provided with an improvised winch coupled to the main engine. It is operated by 7-10 fishermen and its time of operation is similar to the smaller type net.
              Aside from scouting fish schools, fishing operations can also involve light attraction and payaws. In light attraction, the boats are equipped with 4-8, 200-500 watts bulb and start lighting at sundown. Fish concentrations are detected through diving or fish bubbles being emitted at the surface. Before setting, the attracted fish school is transferred to a dim boat where the lighted area is reduced by providing a cone shaped cover over one remaining bulb. Setting is usually conducted at dawn. Payaws are anchored vertical single whole seasoned bamboo with coconut/palm leaves underneath. These are anchored in waters from 50 to 200 m deep. Two to four light bulbs (500 watts each) are commonly used and operation takes place at dawn. Pressurized gas lamps (petromax) are also used. After fish aggregation, the net is set around the drifting payaw. Fish caught are mostly small scad, sardine, and mackerel.

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