12.2 Drive-in-net for Fusiliers and Other Coral Reef Fish
In shallow water, the drive-in-net for coral fish resembles atrawl net. The wings measure 22- meter long and are made of PA mono of 0.5 mm diameter. Two different mesh sizes are found in the upper (40 mm.) and lower portions (35 mm.). The belly has three sections of nylon mono 0.4 mm. diameter with 35 mm. mesh size but the upper part is PA mono of 0.5 mm. diameter with 40 mm. mesh size. The bag is also PA mono of 0.4 mm. but the mesh size is 30 mm. The scareline has a length of 400 meters PE 0 8 mm. White plastic strips are inserted at 15-20 cm. intervals. Stones weighing 100-200 grams are placed at 3-4 meters interval in the leadline as additional weights. The gear is operated at 10-20 meters deep in coral reef areas by first setting the net. The scareline is pulled by two boats towards the net.
The new fishing gear for catching coral reef fish is the “Paaling”. It consists of a bagnet and two (2) detachable wings, effecting the capture of fish by spreading the net in an arc around reefs and shoals. With the use of plastic hoses emitting bubbles, the fishermen scare and drive the fish towards the waiting net.
The wings are duralon netting, 25 meters long by 200 meshes down with mesh size of 101.6 mm. The bag is 29 meters long by 18.6 meters wide also made of kuralon netting 20s/21-40 with mesh sizes from 33.8-101.6 mm.
One complete set for the operation consists of the mother boat (200-300 gt), 4 net boats, 4 air boats for the compressors, and 250-300 fishermen/swimmers aside from the 20 officers and crew of the boat.
Upon reaching the fishing ground, shallow areas (10-20 m) of shoal reef are marked with flagbuoys. Fisherman scout the area and determine the current direction. With a good area determined, the net is set in the bottom against the current. The mother boat encircles the set net and maintains a distance of 500 meters. The fishermen go near the air boats and get their respective plastic hoses with styrofoam floats. The plastic hoses with plastic strips are jerked as they come nearer the net. At about 50 meters away from the net, the compressors are opened up thus releasing a wall of bubbles that scare the fish. When the fish are inside the net, the fishermen bring the net to the surface and pour the catch on deck for icing and sorting. The mother boat again locates another shoal reef for the next operation. Fish caught by the “paaling” are mostly caesios, cavalla, crevalle, surgeon fish, siganids, wrasses, and parrot fish.
With its high catching efficiency, the operation of the gear is regulated in terms of the number of fishing vessels, drives per day, mesh size, areas of operation, and fisherman's groups.