9.2 Marine-water Castnet

             This castnet is operated in shallow marine waters to catch small sardines, mackerel, scads and mullets. Its design and structure is similar with the freshwater castnet.

             The net is hand-made of multifilament nylon PA 210d/2 or PA mono of 0.20 mm. diameter. The castnet for mullet has 20 mm. mesh size and a 1.6 meter deep by 22 meters circumference rectangular shaped net between the upper part and selvage of the net. The selvage is nylon multifilament 210d/3 and 16 mm. mesh size. It is 25 meshes deep and 22.4 meters circumference. The total length of the mullet castnet is 3 meters. It has 90 pockets along the mouth circumference. On the other hand, the sardine castnet has a 22 mm. mesh size with a net length of 9 meters. The mouth circumference is 40 meters with 75 pockets. The retrieving line is made of 6 meters long PE f 4 mm. Both castnets are provided with lead or iron chain weights at the leadline.

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